Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Text File
236 lines
name size date time chap page notes
DOC2 5632 3-13-88 8:02p This file. See (1)
SIMPLE ASM 5888 2-21-88 3:52p 3 87 Revised. See (2)
TONE ASM 768 11-02-86 2:16a 4 112
CONSOLE ASM 14592 11-02-86 2:17a 4 121
IOCTL ASM 5120 11-09-86 11:14a 5 139
IOCTL COM 743 11-08-86 10:31p 5 139 .com file for above
PRINTER ASM 17536 11-15-86 12:15a 5 166
CLK ASM 25472 3-08-88 4:14p 6 217 Revised. See (3)
RAMDISK ASM 18048 11-29-86 1:40p 8 306
STRUC24 ASM 9856 12-25-86 11:47p 9 331 See (4)
PROTO ASM 19328 3-07-88 2:50p 10 386 Revised. See (5)
SHOWSEG ASM 512 1-01-86 3:58p 10 400
HEX2ASC ASM 896 10-12-86 3:05p 10 401
DUMP ASM 5760 1-01-86 5:25p 10 402
PRTMSG ASM 640 9-21-86 9:18p 10 406 See (6)
NEWSTACK ASM 896 12-31-86 11:45a 10 408
INT29H ASM 640 12-31-86 11:35a 10 409
SETCMD ASM 1024 12-30-86 7:06p 10 411 See (7)
STRAT ASM 1280 10-13-87 9:41p 10 412 See (7)
SETATT ASM 1408 12-30-86 7:05p 10 413
1. Due to the changes that are made at the last minute, some comments
in the book do not appear in these sources. They are, however, cosme-
tic items such as author, date, and purpose: the code is the same.
2. Changes to the Simple Device Driver
Page 87:
The attribute word in the Device Header is incorrect and should be:
attribute dw 8000h ;character device
Pages 85,89:
For many versions of DOS, the Simple Device Driver as listed in the
book booted correctly. However, for other versions of MS-DOS, the
Simple Device Driver hung the system during the boot. In order to
ensure that the Simple Device Driver work with all versions of DOS,
the Break Address code needs to be added. The following code is added
right after the label 'exit2' (shown):
exit2: ; Set done flag and no error
lea ax,exit ;address of end of simple
mov es:[bx]+0eh,ax ;tell DOS next free location
push cs ;same for segment address
pop ax ; now in ax
mov es:[bx]+10h,ax ;return to DOS
mov es:word ptr 3[bx],0100h
Page 86,89:
The label 'exit' is placed just before the End of Program Section and
is after the last code address of the Simple Device Driver. This Break
Address tells DOS that memory locations following 'exit' are not part
of the Simple Device Driver and are eligible for use by DOS. The code
should look like:
3. Changes to the Clock Device Driver:
Although the book indicates to name the file 'clock.asm', some ver-
sions of MS-DOS do not allow the use of 'clock'. For example, the MS-
DOS version 2.11 supplied with the Toshiba 1100 has a built-in clock
and no disk files may be named 'clock'. This is a gross error. For PC-
DOS you may rename this file to 'clock.asm'.
Pages 190, 217:
The timer segment should look like:
timer segment at 0h ;int 1c segment
org 1ch*4
timer_int label dword ;* revised to double word
timer ends
Pages 194,220:
The screen attribute for the time string variable 'time' was omitted.
The value '0b' yields a blue character:
time dw 8 dup (0b3ah) ;time display
Pages 199,223:
The 'clkint' procedure should be moving 16 bytes of the time string.
Change the 10 to 16 in the second instruction before the label 'hlow':
mov cx,16 ;move 16 bytes
cli ;clear interrupts
hlow: ;wait for horizontal scan
Pages 205,226:
Just before the label 'curr_days' in the code for the Input command, a
check for the current year being a leap year was missing. The
following code:
;BX has total days and cl has leap year indicator
mov ah,0 ;set up for add
add bx,ax ;add leap days to total
should be changed to:
;BX has total days and cl has leap year indicator
mov ah,0 ;set up for add
push cx ;* save for later use
cmp cl,0 ;* check for year is leap year
je leapadj ;* maybe not past leap
inc ax ;* past leap year => add 1
add bx,ax ;add leap days to total
The code for converting months to elapsed days is incorrectly adding
an extra months worth of days. The following code just before the
label 'cvt2days':
push cx ;save for leap year check
mov bh,0 ;clear hi-order
should be changed to:
push cx ;save for leap year check
dec cx ;* elapsed up to current month
mov bh,0 ;clear hi-order
Pages 206,227:
The code at the end of the Input command processing did not account
for a leap year when adjusting past 2/29. In addition, the days in the
current month was not read from the clock chip. The following code:
add ax,bx ;add to days in current year
cmp cl,3 ;past March?
jl leapyr ;no
inc ax ;yes - add 1 for 2/29
leapyr: pop bx ;restore DOS date offset
pop es ;restore DOS date segment
mov es:[bx].dos_day,ax ;return days since 1/1/80
mov ax,0 ;status ok
mov bx,6 ;count of 6
jmp load_status ;restore es:bx exit
should be modified to look like:
add ax,bx ;add to days in current year
pop bx ;* leap indicator?
cmp bl,0 ;* is current year leap?
jne leapyr ;* no
cmp cl,3 ;past March?
jl leapyr ;no
inc ax ;yes - add 1 for 2/29
xchg ax,cx ;* save days in cx
dec dx ;* base+6 is
in al,dx ;* days in current month
call bcd2hex ;* convert to hex
mov ah,0 ;* clear hi for next add
add cx,ax ;* add days in this month
dec cx ;* subtract 1 for elapsed days
xchg ax,cx ;* total days in ax
pop bx ;restore DOS date offset
pop es ;restore DOS date segment
mov es:[bx].dos_day,ax ;return days since 1/1/80
mov ax,0 ;status ok
mov bx,6 ;count of 6
jmp load_status ;restore es:bx exit
Pages 208,228:
In the conversion from DOS date format to chip date format, the days
since 1/1/80 was not incremented by 1 for elapsed days. The code
between the labels 'out_years' and 'out1' should look like:
mov ax,cs:dosdays ;get days since 1/1/80
cmp ax,0 ;date not set?
je out8 ;skip everything
inc ax ;* add 1 for elapsed days
mov bx,0 ;BX = year count
out1: cmp ax,365 ;day count within a year?
Pages 215,232:
The code to switch the timer interrupt to point to our 'clkint' rou-
tine should be changed to reflect the change in the timer interrupt
definition. The code just after the label 'calc' should look like:
calc: call display ;setup initial time
cli ;clear interrupts
assume es:timer ;new directive
mov ax,timer ;get segment addr
mov es,ax ;set ES
mov ax,es:timer_int ;get old timer offset
mov cs:old1c_ofs,ax ;save it
mov ax,es:timer_int[2] ;get old timer segment
mov cs:old1c_seg,ax ;save it
lea ax,clkint ;get new offset
mov es:timer_int,ax ;set new offset
mov es:timer_int[2],cs ;also segment
assume es:cseg ;restore directive
sti ;restore interrupts
4. 'STRUC24.ASM' contains the definitions for all of the strucs. You
may include this file in any device driver, it may be more efficient
to break out each struc into separate files and to include them only
as needed.
5. Changes to the prototype program 'Proto.asm' are identical to those
made for the Clock Device Driver.
6. 'PRTMSG.ASM' can be used in any program and uses the printer BIOS
7. 'SETCMD.ASM' is named 'dosver' in the source. If this code is used
in the Initialization Command code, then the STRATEGY procedure must
be replaced by the version in 'STRAT.ASM'. The bold-face type for the
changed statements in 'STRAT.ASM' didn't make it to printing. The two
statements are:
cmp al,cs:max_cmd
ja unknown